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As far as our best theories go, the Universe began in a cataclysmic release of energy, the Big Bang, about 15 billion years ago. (A billion is one thousand million).

As far as we know, the Big Bang created "time". Time is that thing that usually ticks along at one second every second. But if you want to split hairs, time as we know it today didn't come into existence until a very short time after the Big Bang - 10-43 of a second. 10-43 is a very small number - mathematically, it means one divided by a one followed by 43 zeros, or in words, it means one 10th of a millionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second. So very soon after the Big Bang, time popped into existence.

According to the theory, the Big Bang also created space. Immediately after the very beginning, the Universe expanded mightily, much much faster than the speed of light, and by 10-33 of a second was about as big as a basketball.

So the famous Big Bang actually started off very small - and the "Big" in "Big Bang" is quite wrong.

The Big Bang also created energy, which eventually "cooled down" into matter as we know it today.

Let's have a look at how matter came into existence. You might remember from High School how matter is made of atoms, which kind of look like mini-Solar Systems, with a central core or nucleus filled with protons and neutrons, and a bunch of electrons orbiting around that central nucleus.

But things were very different in the early Universe.

By 10-33 of a second the Universe was the size of a basketball, having spent some time expanding at much faster than the Speed of Light. Then the super-inflation of the Universe slowed down, and the temperature dropped, and the energy turned into massive amounts of particles and antiparticles - with a tiny excess of particles.

The easiest way to think about this is to think of a huge Bachelors and Spinsters ball, with 1,000 men, and 1,001 women. If the men and women pair up, there will be one woman left over.

In the same way, in the early Universe, there were huge numbers of particles and antiparticles - but there was a minuscule excess of particles. All of the antiparticles paired off with the particles, and as they touched each other, annihilated each other in a devastating explosion of energy. Like our extra woman at the Ball left over after all the men and women paired up, there was a tiny excess of particles left over. This excess turned into all of the matter in the Universe today - all the planets, stars and galaxies.

But back in the early Universe, this matter wasn't made of atoms like we have today, but of weird subatomic particles.

A strange "Soup" Of Quarks came into existence in the window stretching from 10-30 of a second to 10-6 of a second (10-6 is one millionth of a second). Today, quarks are strange subatomic particles that exist only inside the nucleus or core of an atom. But back then, the quarks filled the entire expanding Universe. The quarks milled around freely, from one place to another.

By around one millionth of a second after the Big Bang, the temperature had cooled down to only a few trillion degrees. By this stage, the density of the Universe had dropped to less than the density inside the core of an atom. The quarks were no longer free to move around, but had begun to clump together in groups of three to make free-floating protons and neutrons.

So the Universe changed from a Soup Of Quarks to a Soup Of Protons And Neutrons.

The Universe kept on cooling and by the time it was three minutes old, it chilled to less than 10 billion degrees. The protons and the neutrons joined together to form the nuclei, or cores of atoms. So at this stage, the Universe had evolved into a Soup Of Nuclei.

At three minutes of age for the Universe, changes weren't happening as rapidly as they once did, and the next major change to the Universe took a long time to come - about 300,000 years after the Big Bang. At this time, the Universe became "transparent". "Transparent" means that light was, for the first time, able to travel for very long distances before it hit a particle and was scattered or absorbed. This transparency happened because the Universe had now cooled down to only 3,000°C. The temperatures were now low enough for real atoms (like the ones we have today) to form for the very first time. Mostly though, electrons and protons joined together to make hydrogen.

So now you have an idea of just what went on in the early Universe, and how we got from nothing to something. But if you want the really short version, it runs like this, "First there was nothing, then there was the Big Bang, and energy cooled down into matter, and we're made of matter, so here we are".

Now one weird thing about people is what they'll believe. They won't trust a sign saying "WET PAINT" and will touch the wet paint, but they will trust an astronomer making amazing claims about the Universe. So next week, I'll look at how we made these discoveries.

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