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The Knight Industries Two Thousand, in its original incarnation, was a modified black 1982 Pontiac Trans Am with these spiffy add-ons: microwave jammer, oil slick, smoke screen, tear gas launcher, flame thrower, parachute, ultramagnesium charges, infrared tracking scope, laser power pack, bomb sniffer, voice-stress analyzer, seat ejection system, ultraphonic chemical analyzer, sleep gas, vacuum, passive laser restraint system, two-wheel ski drive, self-tinting windows, convertible room and one cool dude named Michael Knight ( David Hasselhoff).
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www.knightindustries.com, knight industries.com, knight industries, knight rider, knightindustries ,knight industries.com, knightindustries.com, knight industries, knight rider, knightindustries
The Knight Industries Two Thousand, in its original incarnation, was a modified black 1982 Pontiac Trans Am with these spiffy add-ons: microwave jammer, oil slick, smoke screen, tear gas launcher, flame thrower, parachute, ultramagnesium charges, infrared tracking scope, laser power pack, bomb sniffer, voice-stress analyzer, seat ejection system, ultraphonic chemical analyzer, sleep gas, vacuum, passive laser restraint system, two-wheel ski drive, self-tinting windows, convertible room and one cool dude named Michael Knight ( David Hasselhoff).
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