Hollywood latest films


"I'd kill for this job, but the people I want to kill are the ones offering me
the job."

Starring Woody Allen, Tea Leoni, Treat Williams, Debra Messing, George Hamilton,
Mark Rydell, Sean Hatosy. Directed by Woody Allen. Rated PG-13.

I always look forward to watching the latest Woody Allen movie, and I dread
reviewing it. I risk not only repeating myself, but contradicting myself, as
well. Of his last effort, The Curse of the Jade Scorpion, I wrote: "Allen's
plots are so slight that his films play like comic book issues, with the same
irrepressible character being placed in different situations. I think he needs a
new angle; Jade Scorpion is always tolerable, and sometimes even more than that,
but the formula won't be able to withstand a new installment." Now, with
Hollywood Ending, I am forced to either eat those words, or repeat them: you can
sense that his schtick is on the verge of becoming intolerably tiresome, but it
never quite gets there. His films remain entertainment akin to watching a
stand-up act: disposable stories, great sense of humor, one-liners that I quote
incessantly for months.

This one is actually a bit of an improvement over the last: as a "satire," to
the extent that Allen is capable of actual satire, its humor is more pointed,
its zingers sharper, his story less meandering. Shame that the entire movie is
essentially a gimmick, but as gimmick movies go, this one is damn near

Allen again casts himself as a neurotic geezer surrounded by younger women who
want him. This is fine with us, because we're used to it, having knowledge of
both his films and his personal life. He plays Val Waxman, a washed-up director
who won an Oscar way back when, but has since lost "it" and is now looking for a
comeback project to help him escape doing deodorant commercials in Alaska. His
ex-wife (Tea Leoni) feels sorry for him and pushes to have him direct her new
producer hubby's latest project.

Waxman reluctantly accepts the proposal from the two peopple he hates most.
Things finally begin looking up: if he can just navigate his way through this
project, perhaps he can revive his career and stop having to sell out. Alas, he
becomes so nervous that he goes psychosomatically blind, which leads to a great
exchange between Waxman and his eye doctor (Doctor: "I can't see anything."
Waxman: "I can't see anything either!"). His agent (Mark Rydell) helpfully
suggests that the only way to save face is to just fumble his way through the
project and not tell anyone, promising that he will always be by his side to
guide him. Then he gets banned from the set.

Before passing judgement on the movie, it's important to ask why you went to see
it in the first place. Considering Allen's last couple outings, I doubt anyone
is expecting another Annie Hall. But if you still went after watching Small Time
Crooks and Jade Scorpion, Hollywood Ending shouldn't have disappointed. It's
more of the same, yes, but there's a difference between more of the same Woody
Allen and more of the same, say Adam Sandler. I will no longer be so na"ve as to
complain about the man repeating himself.


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