Princess Diana enjoyed a normal sexual relationship with Hasnat Khan

Lover reveals Di sexual relationship
London, March 3: Princess Diana was on the contraceptive pill and enjoyed a normal sexual relationship with Hasnat Khan, the Pakistani heart surgeon confirmed today in an astonishingly candid 4,171-word statement read out today in the high court in London.

Hasnat said he and Diana had spoken of marriage but without going into specifics and revealed she was the one who ended their relationship after she had gone on holiday with Dodi Fayed, son of Mohammed Al Fayed, the wealthy owner of Harrods.

Hasnat refused to give evidence to the inquest currently examining how Diana died either in person or by videolink.

But a statement he had given police under his full name of Hasnat Ahmad Khan set out how he had met the princess in August or September, 1995, when she was visiting a patient at the Royal Brompton Hospital where he was a surgeon, and how their friendship quickly became intimate.

“I did notice that she was also very flirtatious with everyone,” commented Hasnat. He invited her to come with him to his uncle’s house in Stratford-upon-Avon. “I was very surprised when she said she would. We drove there together and Diana met my aunt and uncle. We had dinner in a restaurant and then drove back to London. After this, our friendship turned into a relationship.”

He said: “Diana was very protective towards me and wanted to shield me from the attention.” By November, he began to be pursued by the media which had rumbled the relationship.

Such detail has been provided that filmmakers will now be tempted now to make the Diana-Hasnat affair into a movie.

“During our relationship, I stayed with Diana many times at Kensington Palace and she also stayed with me at my place,” disclosed Hasnat. “We had a normal sexual relationship and I have no reason to think that Diana was ever unfaithful to me. Diana introduced me to Princes William and Harry. Diana just wanted her sons to know what was happening in her life.”

Hasnat also revealed: “During our relationship Diana was taking the contraceptive pill that was prescribed by a male gynaecologist who used to visit her at Kensington Palace. I never met this gynaecologist, but, as far as I am aware, the pill was prescribed to Diana because of our relationship and for no other reason.”

On marriage, he said: “Diana and I were very good friends and we never took what the other said that seriously. Although we did talk about marriage, we did not make a point of sitting down and discussing the specifics. It was something we would chat about generally if it came up in conversation. Neither of us ever proposed.”

He explained: “My main concern about us getting married was that my life would be hell because of who she was. I told her that the only way I could see us having a vaguely normal life together would be if we went to Pakistan, as the press don’t bother you there.”

He added: “I know Diana considered this an option for a while and she even went to Pakistan to speak to Jemima Khan about life there. However, after a while, she no longer talked about Pakistan, and although she did not actually say so, I got the impression that she no longer considered living there a possibility.”

Diana “asked Paul Burrell (her butler) to talk to a priest about the feasibility of us getting married in secret. When I found out, I said to Diana, ‘Do you honestly think you can just bring a priest here and get married?’ I thought it was a ridiculous idea.

“I think in her head she wanted to get married, but practically she had not thought about the implications. If we had married, as far as I am concerned, Diana would not have had to convert to the Muslim faith.” Diana appeared changed after she had gone on holiday with Dodi Fayed. She met Hasnat in Battersea Park. “Diana told me that it was all over


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